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Artist Residency Information: August-September

我們很榮幸地為各位介紹新一期浪花空間駐村藝術家,他們已經在羅東展開新的藝術創作/研究生活了,他們分別來自蒙古國的Munkhbolor Ganbold與菲律賓的Lady Krista Rigor。

同時,我們很開心能夠與 台灣藝文空間連線 Taiwan Art Space Alliance 及 臺灣亞洲交流基金會 Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation,共同選出了菲律賓籍的藝術家。


Munkhbolor Ganbold (蒙古國)




Lady Krista Rigor(菲律賓)

Lk Rigor的創作圍繞著攝影和檔案的領域,通過寫作、研究和策展。今年在Kalaw-Ledesma Foundation策劃一場名為《Critic/ism in flux》的展覽,她同時是基金會的研究/計畫成員。她同時是98B COLLABoratory的策展人之一,一個位於馬尼拉的獨立藝術家運營空間。

她目前正在進行的研究項目是尋找活躍於菲律賓戰後時期(1946-1960年代)的菲律賓女性攝影師。這項研究得到了Humboldt Area Foundation + Wild Rivers Community Foundation的Peter E. Palmquist紀念基金的支持。


We are delighted to introduce the new resident artists at Surfy Space, who have already begun their artistic creation and research in Luodong. They are Munkhbolor Ganbold from Mongolia and Lady Krista Rigor from the Philippines.

We are also pleased to have collaborated with TASA (Taiwan Art Space Alliance) and the Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation in selecting the Filipino artist for this residency.

Resident Artist Information:

Munkhbolor Ganbold (Mongolia)

Artist Munkhbolor represents the younger generation that grew up during the tumultuous transitional period of Mongolian society in the 1990s. Despite the lack of understanding and support in the field of contemporary art in Mongolia, he bravely engages in experimental work. The scarcity of resources plays a significant role in his creations. Munkkh often uses materials and objects found on the streets, construction sites, and wastelands.

He possesses an extraordinary ability to transform existing conditions into his own cosmic world. His works often address the struggles of living organisms and humanity's self-destructive power over nature. The forms, shapes, and states of the materials and objects he uses frequently symbolize human behavior and specific phenomena and illusions within society.

His paintings and multimedia installations have been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in Mongolia, South Korea, Taiwan, the United States, Sweden, China, Italy, Germany, and the Philippines. In 2017, Munkkh represented Mongolia at the 57th Venice Biennale.

Lady Krista Rigor (Philippines)

Lk Rigor’s practice orbits the spheres of photography and archives, through writing, researching, and curating. This year, she curated an exhibition titled “Critic/ism in flux” at the Kalaw-Ledesma Foundation, where she also works as a Research/Project Coordinator. She is one of the curators at 98B COLLABoratory, an independent artist-run space in Manila.

One of her ongoing research projects is to find Filipina photographers who were active in the Philippine post-war era (1946-1960s). This research is supported by the Peter E. Palmquist Memorial Fund of the Humboldt Area Foundation + Wild Rivers Community Foundation.

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